This movie sucks you into a false sense of interest by dangling great actors in your face. You think "Oh! Amy Adams, James Franco, Robert Pattinson hmmm....I've never heard of this before, this may be worth checking out." If you find yourself thinking this, DON'T and go watch Inception or something. This movie is far too long and is the biggest disappointment since Wicker Man. It's split up into several short films the first one starring Robert Pattinson isn't too bad, but no definite story line. This theme continues, but they get worse and worse as it goes on. I have the list of movies I've never seen and then there is another list, a much more sacred list, a list that weighs heavily on my mind until it is crossed out in full. It is a list of movies starring my favorite actor, ROBERT DOWNEY JR. I have seen 40 of his 62 movies and had to watch this one as it is on the list, I have to watch them all from start to finish or the list just wouldn't hold the same sense of accomplishment to me when complete. I've literally watched movies he's been in for a total of 5 seconds. (In Girls Just Want to Have Fun, he pops up from under a table....that's all folks) So, just my luck, he is in the last short and is in it for about 5 minutes and this particular short has a really low production value, terrible camera work, the audio sucks and all the actors just sound like they're speaking up to be picked up on the mic. I can only hope he agreed to being in this movie when he was still on drugs. And the worst part of it all is I OWN THIS MOVIE. I don't think I could pay a respectable movie fan to watch this, maybe as it sits on my movie shelf and I glance at it from time to time I'll just remember what a horrible experience this all was and shutter. It doesn't even have the Talladega Nights factor, where the more you watch it the better it gets, it just plain sucks. I don't know, nor do I care, who wrote or directed it, all I know is I want them slapped. My poor boyfriend suffered through it as I watched, he is very supportive of my obsession with Downey and for the most part enjoys the movies I force him to watch. I do not recommend this movie to anyone unless you are trying to rid yourself of a houseguest. I give this poorly constructed movie one step above a raunchy porno.

I call this photo "Brandy after dentist: Part One"
Now for a little update on my personal life. Last night I was trying to make an account on my car loan company's website and for some reason was unable to, a page popped up instructing me to call the customer service number which I did and I get greeted by a super sexy voice telling me she was hot and wet for me. Initially I am furious, this is who I've been sending my monthly payments to? After hanging up with this siren of the phone world I realize I've dialed the wrong number, one digit off. Whoopsy!!! I called it back just for a good laugh at the greeting which I needed after a long day at work, I really hope I don't get charged. This morning I am driving to work and I decided to skip my daily stop at the gas station to get my morning Mountain Dew and it's a pretty typical drive until some guy decides to pull out completely in front of me and I almost T-Bone him, I slammed on my brakes and I can only imagine my facial expression was something of sheer terror and I look up at this creep and he is there completely emotionless just stopped in front of my car, I was really shaken up and was anxious for the next hour and a half. My wisdom teeth come out Friday, I met with the oral surgeon today, which got me out of work 3 hours early (awesome). I was still nervous to drive and was being even more cautious than I usually am. It was a weird experience, it was a dark little office, I filled out the necessary forms and was taken back to the room by a nurse who didn't introduce herself, or talk much at all. She put a video on for me that outlined the procedure, which I thought was a very impersonal way of informing me of what was gonna go down, I can see why they do this though, they probably have to repeat the speech 50 times a day. (This dental video was even better than the aforementioned film) The doctor then came in, also not introducing himself to me, spoke with me for about 5 minutes and then sent me on my way. I've been pretty nervous about the whole thing but his nonchalantness of it all put me at ease. I assume I'll be pretty chipmunk like most of next weekend but should be all set to empty out my dvr with some movies I've been saving like The Untouchables, True Grit (the original with John Wayne) and Space Jam (just for old times sake). I think I may even watch Gone with the Wind with all this free time. Tomorrow to celebrate the easter holiday my boyfriend and our two best friends are watching Ten Commandments and making deviled eggs, should be a great time. Farewell for now & happy viewing!
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