The reason I haven't blogged in awhile is because after watching The King's Speech I have been temporarily obsessed and preoccupied with Colin Firth.
This is the kind of obsession that makes you late to work everyday of the week because you've been up late watching movies at night, you don't pay attention to the posted speed limit because you are too busy thinking about the next movie you are going to watch, I've had little tastes before, I didn't mean to get hooked but now the inevitable has happened, I'm a Colin Firth addict. Immediately after watching King's Speech I put Love Actually in the dvd player, this was by sheer coincidence that it was the next movie I chose to watch was this one, since he stars in it as well. I had checked it out from the library because it's on my list of movies I haven't seen. By the end of Love Actually (which is my new favorite movie) I was totally enamoured, hanging on every word he says and then just for fun I wrapped up my Sunday on the couch by watching Bridget Jones's Diary.
I own both Bridget Jones movies and I like to watch them every now and then because I think they are delightful pick me ups and I really enjoy the humor, I've read both the books and I really identify with her
as a person. (I read they're making a 3rd movie!!!!) This time however I really paid attention to his performance and I saw Mark Darcy in a whole new way. I am already a sucker for a British accent and when watching him on screen he ignites every role he plays, he can be serious or the perfect kind of quirky and funny. Bottom line he is absolutely charming and so nice to watch in any movie and not mention sexier than a shirtless neanderthal with pulsating tan and shiny muscles any day of the week. In the last week I have watched one of his movies everyday, making many many trips to the library to raid their vast selection of movies, I'm sure all the clerks in the entertainment area think I'm a little strange but I honestly couldn't care less. I congratulate him on winning the Oscar for Best Actor this year and I hope to see him in many many more movies. Farewell for now & happy viewing!!

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