Brandy After Dentist Part 2
Positive I'm going stir crazy... on Friday I had my procedure and got my 2 impacted wisdom teeth pulled, I was so nervous all day on Thursday. I got there they put me under and before I knew it, I was done. My boyfriend John came and walked me out. He said I was laughing hysterically the whole way out and I kept saying "I'm Alive! I'm Alive!!". (I remember none of this) We stopped at the pharmacy and then went home, I ate, took a half hour nap, laughed at how swollen my face was and then he went to work. I spent the day in a half awake daze watching the royal wedding, eating pudding, falling asleep (without intending to) and just generally feeling weird. Later when John got home from work he showed up with our friends who brought me a care package <3 I went to bed semi early and ended up tossing and turning most of the night, I woke up a few times to take my pain pills. Saturday was pretty much the same, I took like 4 naps, watched a bunch of tv and about 8pm I finally started to feel normal. Sunday I did a whole lot of nothing, I wanted to watch a bunch of movies, but couldn't make any commitments on which ones I wanted to watch and was still pretty out of it, so basically just a day full of blah tv. I am still having some problems though, no pain really just some discomfort and I can't open my mouth very wide, so I've lost 4 lbs on my diet of soup and yogurt... Needless to say I'm ready

So I watched the majority of the royal wedding, both Will and Kate looked amazing like old school fairytale characters, they seem genuinely in love. It made me so giddy in my pain pill fog. (I also watched a marathon of shows all about the lives of Will & Kate and being that they are in their late 20's they really aren't all that interesting yet, so if you watched one show you pretty much knew everything about them.) On Thursday I recorded Steve Carrell's last episode of the Office, now I haven't watched any of the new episodes because they are all horribly stupid. Without sexual tension and a real plot it really lost me, but since I'd seen so many of the early episodes I decided I should watch it since this seems like a pretty big night in television history. Michael Scott "World's Best Boss" leaves Dunder Mifflin, this is big... I think it was done very well. I love Ricky Gervais, I think he is a genius and I can't wait for the next season of An Idiot Abroad. I miss Karl... Hopefully this week I'll get back into the swing of things and have some energy and get some more movies watched. Farewell for now & happy viewing!
P.S. Haven't had a cigarette in 5 days and haven't had a Mountain Dew in 3. I'm so proud of myself!
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